Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dark Mania Bbs Does The Environment Cause Mental Disorders, Bipolar Disorder Or Mania Just To Name A Few?

Does the environment cause mental disorders, bipolar disorder or mania just to name a few? - dark mania bbs

I read that the word "wine mad then the only source of light is the moon. The sources of light at night, it seems that could lead to bipolar disorder in people. I wonder if they have the same effect on me.
My elderly parents have the night lights in every room, as I remember, sometimes even bright enough to read the source of light. I do not know exactly why, but it makes me mad. It's like I jump up and run against a wall and I want to strike a hard object. I move a lot on my bed, I can wake up people.
But then, who does not have the same effect on my parents ... I have to sleep in complete darkness, but because of light pollution makes the sky pink or red light, I have insomnia. They tend to wake up too early. ItIt seems that my circadian rhythms are in poor condition, but my parents are afraid that if a disaster occurs at night, can not get if the darkness. Save this capacity, you go to bed mad ...
What is your assessment?

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